Have you ever wondered why there is an aloe rid detoxification shampoo analysis by Johnny Utah’s from drugs is so important to keep clean and healthy? Well, it seems that the aloe plant itself does have some benefits for the human body, but perhaps we should examine it a little closer before we give it any more publicity or credibility that it deserves. First we need to understand that there are certain toxic chemicals and toxins in our environment that have been proven to be very dangerous and even life threatening. So Johnny Utah’s research team did perform a drug test to see just what effect the aloe plant would have on the human body if it were consumed, and what sort of adverse effects they found.
Detoxification shampoo analysis by Johnny Utah’s – Important to keep clean and healthy
What they found was that it did cause an increase in blood pressure, heart rate and a rise in blood sugar levels. Also, the aloe rid shampoo caused a slight decrease in skin flexibility and it actually contained toxins which can cause liver damage, kidney damage, respiratory failure, and cancer. This revelation comes as quite a shock to many people, especially those who have spent large sums of money on programs that promise detoxing through the use of herbal supplements and wraps. There has always been a great amount of confusion between these different types of treatments, and with all the scientific research conducted on the subject many people are left wondering just exactly what the results of these tests are, especially with regard to aloe vera.
Johnny Utah’s research team then conducted another drug test using twelve volunteers who each received an aloe vera gel that was either non-toxic or highly toxic. The results showed that those who had taken the higher dosage of aloe vera were indeed experiencing less side effects from the detoxing process. So aloe rid shampoo can help you detox your body, but do you really need to use this ultra clean shampoo to do this? Read my article to find out the answer to this question and much more concerning this drug test and its results.