How to Get Started in Investing

How to Get Started in Investing

Investing involves putting your money to work in exchange for a potential return over time. Your return can come from the growth of your investment, or it could be a steady stream of income. The more you invest and the longer your time horizon, the greater your potential return. But investing can be complicated, even for new investors. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources available to help you get started. There are online brokerage accounts, robo-advisors that can create and manage a portfolio for you at low cost, and fee-only financial advisors who don’t earn commissions from the products they sell. Go here

The key to successful investing is consistency. Set aside a reasonable amount of money to invest on a regular basis, either through payroll deductions at work or automatic contributions from your checking or savings account. Make smart choices to maximize what you save and invest, balancing risks and returns, as well as taking into consideration specific tax incentives and obligations.

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Your investment goals should be clear, whether it’s saving for a retirement date or a home down payment. Deciding what you’re trying to achieve will help you land on how aggressively to invest and which assets to prioritize, as well as how much to contribute each month or yearly.

It’s also important to understand your risk tolerance and how it may change over time. The more you’re willing to tolerate market volatility, the higher your potential return over the long term.

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